@Etienne_Samson Sorry,I am a novice using UR5,I want to ask some questions about the gripper embedded object detection feature with function rq_is_object_detected()
1.This function can find in the UR5 or I need to make new floder by myself?Because I can not find this function in the UR program.
2.If Ineed to make new floder by myself.How should I make this program design?
3.My robotiq gripper power cord set here is correct?

@william all the 2-Finger Gripper controls over UR are explained in the manual in the section "Control over UR", I suggest you go through it. Your wiring does seem ok, if you have a blue LED on the Gripper communication is good. If you have red then you have no communication (check the converter) if you have no LED then check the power.