Update: I was able to get the wrist cam to work with usb_cam. However, I had a little issue where the robotiq driver for the gripper was crashing if the camera is simultaneously running; the fix to that issue is given here https://github.com/ros-industrial/robotiq/issues/118. Hopefully, this helps someone out there!
Hi All,
We are using the Robotiq 140 mm C-gripper coupled with the WristCamera and the FT300 on a UR5 for university research. As we need this entire manipulator setup to work with other external sensing systems, our preference is to do this all via ROS. To ths end, I have figured out how to get the gripper and arm to be controlled via ROS and am looking into the WristCamera which is not as detailed. I see that the camera is detected by Ubuntu which means I should be able to calibrate it through ROS, right? Also, I was wondering if there's any way to contorl the flash via ROS.
Looking forward to your reply! Tagging some gurus on here too :) @Laurie @carlosjoserg @David_Levasseur