I don't think it's possible over modbus because the steam data don't include any modbus header or crc calculation. You will have to directly read the serial port data in string variable for example. Then decode the stream data which has this format (fx,fy,fx,mx,my,mz).

The gripper uses a standard industrial protocol Modbus RTU. You must implement this protocol to read and write registers. The gripper registers are detailed in the manual here:
You can also see Modbus communication examples in the manual here:
You can find free libraries on the web to do that. You can also get information about that protocol on the web like this site:

Dear Louis,louis_bergeron said:@sharifzadeh
The gripper uses a standard industrial protocol Modbus RTU. You must implement this protocol to read and write registers. The gripper registers are detailed in the manual here:
You can also see Modbus communication examples in the manual here:
You can find free libraries on the web to do that. You can also get information about that protocol on the web like this site:
Thanks f
Do you mean that the Modbus communication on the gripper is the same with the FT300 ?
Because I want to use the FT sensor.

Oops... you're right, but indeed the FT sensor also uses the same Modbus RTU protocol. Registers are described here:

The FT sensor supports the Modbus function "Read holding registers (FC03)".
You can see an example in the gripper manual here:http://support.robotiq.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8520166
As mentioned, because we use a standard protocol, you'll have all the information about Modbus RTU protocol on the web. It will be useless to copy all of these here.
Hi, I recently purchased an FT300 which I'm attempting to interface with an Arduino via Modbus RTU over RS485. I am able to read registers, however this is as the documentation suggests relatively slow. This could be down to the Arduino Modbus library I'm currently using. I would prefer to initiate the data stream and just monitor that. Is this possible over Modbus RTU? This is probably a super simple question, I'm pretty new to serial comms