@armormodeller we have the center of mass for our product combo listed in each manual in section 6, specification, under mechanical specs. FT-150 is not listed though, we will add it and let you know shortly.
Your second questions I'm not sure to understand, if you are talking about center of mass change with the finger opening don't bother, that's way too little for the UR.
And for the part weight, yes, you should dynamically change the payload in your program, you should be using function set_payload, here is it's description from the UR script manual:
set payload(m, CoG)
Set payload mass and center of gravity
Alternatively one could use set payload mass and set payload cog.
Sets the mass and center of gravity (abbr. CoG) of the payload.
This function must be called, when the payload weight or weight
distribution changes - i.e when the robot picks up or puts down a
heavy workpiece.
The CoG argument is optional - if not provided, the Tool Center Point
(TCP) will be used as the Center of Gravity (CoG). If the CoG argument
is omitted, later calls to set tcp(pose) will change CoG to the new TCP.
The CoG is specified as a vector, [CoGx, CoGy, CoGz], displacement,
from the toolmount.
m: mass in kilograms
CoG: Center of Gravity: [CoGx, CoGy, CoGz] in meters.

@Colin I used the internal CAD but unfortunately you don't have access to them. You can calculate the same result manually with the information you can find in the manuals of the products.
Here is the information you need : Center of mass of the force sensor, Dimension of the force sensor, Center of mass of the camera, Dimension of the camera, Center of mass of the gripper and Dimension of the gripper.
You can find the formula here and do the calculus
Using a UR5, have the 150 Force Sensor, Wrist camera and the 140 2-Finger Grippers along with a FTS-150-TOOL-104 mechanical plate. Need to know what the center of gravity coordinates are if any one else has done this TCP set-up also.
Do I also need the length and the weight of the additional fingers we are attaching to the 140?
Also, do I need to include the part weight, that will vary.