@Michael_davis I saw this on two of our URs, except one of ours lagged for almost a minute at times. To fix it all I did was uninstall the UR cap and then reinstall it, and it has been working ever since.

I know it is already an old and closed thread but I have the same problem (Lag time between pressing "play" on UR and program start) with my UR10e and the URCap externalcontrol-1.0.1.urcap. This URCap allows to control the UR with ROS (https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver). After starting an external control program using the play button, it takes around two minutes before the program actually executes. Reinstalling the URCap did not help.
I have already created a support ticket on the official UR developer forum on 16th of December but I have not received a reply yet. Does anyone know if my problem is just related with the external control URCap or might there be a different problem? Help would be very appreciated.
Best regards,
We have seen this occur on a few different occasions now. With UR software 3.4.1-59 and URCaps UCG-1.1.1, there is roughly a 30 second pause/lag time between when the "Play" button is pressed and the robot program actually starting. I wrote a simple program with a couple of Moves only and ran it with the URCaps installed, at which point the long lag time is there. I removed the Gripper URCaps, made no other changes to the UR, ran the same program, and it started right away. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?