@abeachy_HG24 I just made a sample program and taught a new feature and then used that to create a moveP structure node. I then added 3 waypoints under that and copied the first to the end to make a closed square shape. I was able to step through each of the points without any issues. I then changed the feature to be a variable by checking the box on the feature and now I get the error you are seeing. By doing that it's like using a variable waypoint under a move structure. Unless the program is running the variable is never declared and so you are not able to step through. Is that the issue you are having?

Okay, that makes sense now. Thanks!
I am trying to program a moveP relative to a feature and if I try to use the single step button to step through the waypoints it gives me a compile error that says "Needle_TIP (feature name) is not defined." Does anyone know why this is?