@Ankit you could build a program and control the opening and closing of the 2-Finger with a joystick. If you download our Robotiq User Interface you will see that there is a Xbox controller mode in fact. You can see this in our manual, here: http://support.robotiq.com/display/RUI/5.2.2+Interface+Options
Concerning the Camera, it is only supported on UR, can I know more about what you intend to do ?
I would like have information regarding to 2 fingers adaptive gripper. We want to develop one application where we want to hold the joystick and move into various direction like move up down left right or some degree of angle. Is it possible to do so with this two finger gripper. Regarding to the camera, can you also provide us some information that is it supported by NI labview software.If Possible then also provide us cost estimation.
Thank you very much in advance.
Ankit Ramani.