@scasey19 you can use the script command "rq_is_object_detected()". It returns True if an object has been picked or False otherwise.
All the script functions you can use are found in your instruction manual section 4.8.2. Note that you have some other interesting features described there. For example, you can also get a feedback on the size of the object you have picked.
Post below if you have more questions!

The minimum thickness that can be reliably detected is 1.2 mm according to this thread. If you are opening and closing your gripper all the way each bit in the register results in moving the gripper approximately .39 mm for the 2F85 and 0.65mm for a 2F140. If you could limit the amount the gripper is opening and closing you still get the same number of steps but they would now be a thinner slice, for instance if you limited the gripper to 20mm each bit in the register becomes approximately 0.17mm and may help you to register if you have a part or not, hard to say though without trying it.
what is the exact programming code to determine if the robotiq gripper has a part or not.
I want the robot to stop if it does not detect a part.