You could use the spiral search with the built-in force monitoring. It's not as precise as an external FT sensor but may work.
How repeatable/precise is is the measurement coming from the camera? Understand the robot only has a precision of .004"/0.1mm so if your hole tolerance is less than that the robot will have a hard time anyways.
Another option without seeing your gauge is to provide some lead-in on the edge of the gauge and then allow the robot to float in the XY directions while you move the gauge in the Z direction allowing the gauge to find its own way into the hole. You would use the force wizard and a frame motion type to achieve this.

@matthewd92 Thanks for your response.@matthewd92 said:You could use the spiral search with the built-in force monitoring. It's not as precise as an external FT sensor but may work.
How repeatable/precise is is the measurement coming from the camera? Understand the robot only has a precision of .004"/0.1mm so if your hole tolerance is less than that the robot will have a hard time anyways.
Another option without seeing your gauge is to provide some lead-in on the edge of the gauge and then allow the robot to float in the XY directions while you move the gauge in the Z direction allowing the gauge to find its own way into the hole. You would use the force wizard and a frame motion type to achieve this.
I don't know exactly what you mean in your third paragraph. And how can I implement the spiral search in Polyscope?

@Student So here are a couple of examples of using a pin to gauge a hole. The first image is of a standard type pin gauge, where there is a nice square corner which you as a human can still easily handle. The second shows the gauge having some lead-in, quite exaggerated in this example.
As you can imagine its much easier to get the second one started in the hole. By using the Force wizard you can place a waypoint inside of a force node and allow the robot to float in the XY directions if you are for example moving in the Z direction to insert the pin.
As far as how to implement the spiral search in polyscope refer to this post. The difference is you will need to place into a background thread a feature to find the forces on the robot
forceOnArm = get_tcp_force() #This returns a list of forces in X,Y,Z, Rx, Ry, Rz on the TCP
Fx = forceOnArm[0]
Fy = forceOnArm[1]
Fz = forceOnArm[2]
You could the just substitute this into program that @Tyler_Berryman produced. The thread where the idea Tyler did came from is located hereHope this helps

Congrats! Can you post a video of your program?

Thanks! Nice work!
Hi! I am working on an application where the cobot has to take a gauge with the gripper and then go to a hole in an engine to measure. I am using to find the hole a camera from Cognex. The problem is that when I send the coordinates to the cobot and moves to the hole to measure, I loose some precision, so sometimes it is impossible to enter into the hole.
Do you know how can I improve the application finding the hole? I know the best solution is to use a force torque sensor (with spiral search or so) but I don't have any actually...