@Michal you need to add a MoveJ before the Camera Locate node that makes the robot move to the Snapshot position you have taught. The robot waypoints you add within the Camera Locate node must be inside a MoveL. For that MoveL, you must select your Snapshot position's variable in the Feature drop down menu. You can see an example with details in this section of the instruction manual.

Thank you! It goes well :-)
we have a camera and gripper from Robotiq. I have set all settings, created snapshot, taught object..but how to make it operational in program? Robot find an object, but doesn't go to found object. He goes to point ,,approach" and then to ,,pick" which were set somewhere over the work space, but these points don't change according found object. This is working in one program, but in another a popup ,,Not in snapshot position" shows. Is anywhere some tutorial how to make simple program?