DoF - a Robotiq Community
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The Dof Community was shut down in June 2023. This is a read-only archive.
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@mertzga  Your guess is absolutely right! In the demonstration videos where the tool contacts an object and moves in another direction is utilizing the FT300 sensor's force feedback. In another DoF post ( ), I used the FT300 sensor to monitor the force in the x axis. I was monitoring the force on the PCB, so that the robot would stop moving the part when as soon as it was in contact with the edge of the tray. I was running a loop that was basically saying : As long as the Torque measured in the X axis is smaller than 0.5Nm keep moving in the X axis.

Loop norm(Mx)<0.5
I was using a template that comes with the FT300 sensor to stream the data coming from the force/torque sensor. As soon as the torque in the X axis is larger than 0.5Nm, the robot will go to the next step in the program.

Yes you can increment a variable in your program everytime you place a box, so you could increment the variable "Box" everytime you place a box. Then you could use an IF statement to accomplish a certain task when "Box" is equal to . You could then use the force feedback from the sensor to place the cardboard inserts between the boxes.
                 If Box≟4
                   *Place action here: such as placing the cardboard inserts



@matthewd92 Thanks for answering, yes the pose is defined as p(x,y,z,ax,ay,az), where x,y and z describe the position of the TCP in meters, and ax, ay and az describe the orientation of the TCP.
@mertzga just to further clarify what Tyler said, the ax, ay, az are given in radians.  IF you have degrees you can use the built-in function d2r() to convert degrees to radians