DoF - a Robotiq Community
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The Dof Community was shut down in June 2023. This is a read-only archive.
If you have questions about Robotiq products please reach our support team.

We just released free cloud backup and restore capabilities (Cloud tools to support your cobots).  With no extra hardware, you simply install our URCap, register your cobot through our mobile app, and your critical files (programs, log files, calibration files, flight reports and more) are sync'd securely to the cloud. As you save program changes, every version is sync'd.  You can even restore files from the mobile app as well as share secure links to support related files.

Reach out if you're interested in giving it a try.  We'd love to get your feedback @andoors2011 and as well as the rest of the community.  Best to know your files are update and safe in the cloud before catastrophe!