by detection threshold are you meaning the object detection feature of the Robotiq grippers?
Which gripper do you have, the 2F85 or 140?

@Enric after teaching and object, when you click on that Test/Modify button, you can modify the part's position. Unfortunately, as of today, you cannot change the detection threshold by clicking that button. It is something that we take note of and that we might add to an upcoming release of the Camera's URCap.

Hi, @Annick_MottardAnnick_Mottard said:@Enric after teaching and object, when you click on that Test/Modify button, you can modify the part's position. Unfortunately, as of today, you cannot change the detection threshold by clicking that button. It is something that we take note of and that we might add to an upcoming release of the Camera's URCap.
Yes, perfect.!! It will be useful!

Another question.
I downloaded the latest version (Vision SERVER VS1.0.2), but in the "about" not updated.

Working with elastic pieces we have had to adjust several times the limit of detection.
When you press Re-Define, us can not adjust the "Detection threshold"
We need to reset again. It is for some special reason?