Sure. Here it is the link to the Onshape Document. Anyone with a FREE Account can see it right in their browser and make a copy to edit.
@Sebastien you can also use the Share button in the top right to create a view-only link for everyone (even for people without an Onshape account) to view the 3D model in their browser, and you can invite people to edit your document without the need to make a copy.
For those who are not familiar with Onshape? and find out how we are changing the world of CAD. There are great training videos and a comprehensive product tour.

We have been using OnShape for over a year now, absolutely love it, even if there are still features that I would like to see.
Here is a view of the Robotiq model 85 that we use in our customer models. This is fully constrained to perform like a parallel gripper in this model.
Model 85 OnShape CAD file
One of the features that I wish OnShape had is the ability to use variables in constraints so that you can move to precise locations, that would be great with the UR models that we use so that we could actually give the joints their angles and see where it goes in relation to the model.
@dhenry maybe we can generate some unique feature requests out of this group since we generally have some strange kinematic issues when dealing with robots.
Are there any other OnShape users on here other than @Sebastien and ourselves?

Here is a video from Cross (article here) explaining how to mate a UR CAD file

@Daniel if you private message me with your email address I can add you.Daniel said:I guess I need to start using Onshape now. I'm impressed over the features and the easy user interface.
@matthewd92 : Would you like to share the two finger gripper model 85 with me? Now I only get read only view. It will be appreciated.
@dhenry , I recently worked on a CAD model for a UR5 robot on the public onShape community. I used the step file from Universal Robot's website and did all the mating. I was going to share this here but I don't know what is the best way to do this. Can you share the link to the file here?