hi there , I assume the IP address you mention is the setting in the UR10 network - is it a static or DHCP ? What is the gateway setting ? What is the IP address of the 3F gripper ? Is the 3F gripper connected to the robot via Ethernet ? It looks strange that the IP address in the Modbus setting is set to the IP address of the robot - it should be the IP address of the gripper. Maybe also try and set the Frequency down to 5 or 2 - does that change anything ? Best Regards
I am working with the UR10 and Robotiq 3 finger gripper, while I have some problems with the connection of Robotiq Gripper, thus I wonder if I can tend to you for help. The error “Security Stopped: MODBUS output register could not be set” appears when I set the "MODBUS client I/O setup" under “Installation”-> “MODBUS client” on the controller pad of UR10; this error also appears when I try to run the example code (Software package UR3F-2.0.0) downloaded from the Robotiq web (http://support.robotiq.com/display/Home/Adaptive+Robot+Gripper+3-Finger). In addition, the package was successfully installed on the UR10 controller. The IP address of UR10 is, the same as the IP address of “MODBUS cline I/O Setup” (otherwise the lights on the controller pad are grey). For the connection of Robotiq gripper, I think the mechanical connections are right. The power cable of gripper is connected to a constant voltage source of 24V, and the communication receptacle cable as well as the ethernet cable of UR10 is plugged into an ethernet router; then the router is connected to the computer using an ethernet cable. I am able to communicate UR10 using my computer. The errors are shown as follows. I cannot find any related information online, so I hope you could help me with this problem. Thanks very much!