thanks for your proposition. This is not planned for the moment but we'll keep this in mind.
Just to know, for what purpose do you think that such cap for direct force reading would be more beneficial?
- Just detect contacts (so trigger a force/ moment in one specific direction)
- Force control mode (such as the one from UR but using FT sensor info)
- other

Pretty much what you thought. Maybe a simpler way of implementing force or moment checking for people who don't understand how to write it in script. Could make check weighing applications a bit more straight forward.
It could be useful to have a more visual reading of the current forces without having to go into the variables tab maybe...
Also the ability to apply force such as the one in the UR's wizards tab could be interesting too.
From my experience, script and variables scare people who don't know how to use and implement them and will actively try to avoid using them, which is why I feel the gripper cap has been so effective. So a cap that allows for people to read the forces and get the robot to react around them I feel would be very useful.
Hi Guys,
What are your thoughts on making a cap for direct force reading? Obviously I know that using the FT sensor is pretty straight forwards but it can be confusing for a customer to have two completely different ways of using the sensor, especially if one is through the use of script.