You can use our Copilot urcap force node to apply a constant force on a trajectory.
You can check the elearning video:§ion=11
The ft300 is only compatible with cb serie.

We have a ROS package to connect our FT300 on a ROS PC.
However this ROS package only gives you access to the force and torque values measured by the FT300. There is not function to apply a force on a trajectory in this ROS package.
There are some urscript function to get force in torque. You could use those functions to write force and torque values in robot ModbusRTU registers and than access it from outside.
I have a Robotiq FT-300 Force Torque Sensor and a UR10 robot arm. I wonder can I lock the end-effector force (to 30 newtons) with Robotiq FT-300 Force Torque Sensor? If so, does it automatically adjust the speed of the robot according to the sensor data, or does the sensor have no effect on the speed of the robot?