Do you send those movej and l in a continuous manner ? It is possible to do that with speedj and speedl but probably not with movej and movel (not sure).

Hi bcastets,bcastets said:Do you send those movej and l in a continuous manner ? It is possible to do that with speedj and speedl but probably not with movej and movel (not sure).
Thanks for replying.
Yes I sent them continuousily. I have tried to sent them just once but I get the same result where I get vibrations but no movements. If I allow the command to continue sending then after about 5 seconds it get a stop and have to reinitialise.
I assumed that if I managed to send commands via strings that all commands would work, especially when using the example command structure from the URScript manual, but it seem that some work and some do not.
Perhaps it is a setting within the controller that needs changing via the pendant.
For speed commands it works fine and as expected, but when using move commands the robot just vibrates and doesn't move
e.g. these work fine and as expected:
speedj([0.2,0.3,0.1,0.05,0,0], 0.5, 0.5)
speedl([0.5,0.4,0.0,0.,1.57,0,0], 0.5, 0.5)
but these just vibrate the robot with no movement
movej([0,1.57,-1.57,3.14,-1.57,1.57], a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)
movel([0.2,0.3,0.5,0,0,3.14], a=1.2, v=0.25, t=0, r=0) )
Any obvious things I should check?
Thank you