@eric Check out this link for cable management ideas: http://dof.robotiq.com/discussion/173/ur-cable-management#latest
TCP being adjusted by a URCap would inevitably lead to folks forgetting when they switch tools out and want to manually do it (or expect the software to just "know).. That kind of thing already happens with several customers.
Also I am guessing the camera picks the best % match model and goes with that one first to pick

@eric @Grady_Turner
Within a Cam Locate node, if there are many parts of the same model, the Vision system will pick the one with the highest detection success rate first.
When you run a program with multiple Cam Locate nodes, the Vision system takes snapshots and tries to detect the parts from the Cam Locate nodes, one node after the other, in the sequence the program was built. Therefore, it starts by taking a snapshot for the first Cam Locate node. If the detection is successful, it will go and pick the object the way you programmed it. If the detection success rate is not sufficient, the program simply continues to the second Cam Locate node, takes a snapshot and if the detection is successful, it picks the part. If not, it goes on to the next Cam Locate node. This continues until the last Cam Locate node has been reached, or until a part has been successfully detected.
You will notice that if you simply program multiple Cam Locate nodes, one after the other and without any logic behind it, the program may, for instance, detect the part in the first Cam Locate, do its routine, and then look for the part in the second Cam Locate right after. If you want your program to go back to the beginning of the RobotProgram sequence after detecting a part, you can use, for instance, flags to control the sequence of your program. I think a couple of teams used this method in challenge 1 from our Vision training.
Please comment below if you would like to know more on that topic!