The novelty and bugfixes implemented are shown below:
[NEW] Added a warning popup to advise if a non compatible version of Copilot is installed. This popup is shown in the Toolbar Unscrew feature, in the Drive screw node (on Teach and Test) and on runtime.
[BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where the screwdriver doesn't stop after successful screwing.
[BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where the screwdriver doesn't stop on a program stop when the robot is moved using the UR interface before starting the program.
[BUGFIX] Fixed the maximum possible tool speed. Changed from 600 RPM to 500 RPM.
Compatible with Copilot 1.20.1 and later
Please note this URCap was tested on:
PolyScope 3.15.1
PolyScope 5.11.0
Please contact the Robotiq Support Team at should you have questions or comments.
Hello Crew,
On October 29th , 2021, Robotiq put online version 1.0.9 of the Robotiq Screwdriving URCap (UCT-1.0.9). Please go to ➜ Browse by product ➜ Robotiq Screwdriving Solution ➜ Universal Robots ➜ Software ➜ Robotiq URCaps ➜ Download Zip.
The novelty and bugfixes implemented are shown below:
[NEW] Added a warning popup to advise if a non compatible version of Copilot is installed. This popup is shown in the Toolbar Unscrew feature, in the Drive screw node (on Teach and Test) and on runtime.
[BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where the screwdriver doesn't stop after successful screwing.
[BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where the screwdriver doesn't stop on a program stop when the robot is moved using the UR interface before starting the program.
[BUGFIX] Fixed the maximum possible tool speed. Changed from 600 RPM to 500 RPM.
Compatible with Copilot 1.20.1 and later
Please note this URCap was tested on:
PolyScope 3.15.1
PolyScope 5.11.0
Please contact the Robotiq Support Team at should you have questions or comments.