if you have the velocity trajectory at each time slice, feeding that back into a speedL command should give you the motion that you recorded since the speedL takes a vector as its parameter which has both velocity and direction in it. I would give it a try, set the speed slider down before you try so that if it does not give you the desired behavior you are running slower than commanded

@matthewd92 Thank you. I have got the speed vector at each slice,I will try with speedL. Meanwhile, if you have a better solution for my current application, please let me know.

Thank you for your help. I have solved this. However, UR won't perform as desired. What is the spatial vector 'v' in speedL(v,a,t_min) stands for? I give the actual_tcp_speed to it every 2ms but cannot repeat the desired trajectory right now. I think it should be[vx,vy,vz,vrx,vry,vrz]?matthewd92 said:How did you create the variable tmp? The error states you created it as a list and are now trying to insert a pose into it.
Currently, I'm trying to control the position as well as the velocity of the UR. I have recorded a path as the desire path and try to repeat the path by my controller. My question is:
1) If use MoveL, the velocity should be a single value. However, according to my recorded data, the velocity is a 6*1 vector. How to set the velocity for MoveL?
2) Since MoveL cannot guarantee a smooth movement, I'm also trying to use servoL and speedL. Seems servoL cannot control velocity. By using speedL, if I introduce the recorded velocity, can I repeat the desire path? I'm still struggling with programming with speedL, but doubt it as there is no position information introduced with this command.
Thanks in advance.