It is possible to get Ft with the FT300 and our ROS package:
However it is not possible measure Fn with the 2F. The 2F does not have force feedback capability.
You can eventually add some friction sensors on the fingers of the gripper.
This article about how to set gripping force with the 2F may be interesting for you:
I will work with a Robotiq Ft-300 sensor, 2f-140 gripper, and an ABB 1200 robot for my thesis. I will estimate the weight of objects with an ft-300 sensor. Then I will measure Normal Force (Fn) with the gripper. Therefore, I can estimate the friction coefficient between the gripper finger and objects.
I am quite new to ROS and Python. I plan to control the ABB robot manually. Then I want to write some codes to read Ft sensor and Normal Force(Fn) from the gripper in ROS with Python. So I can find Ft/Fn as friction coefficient.
Also, I have to determine the starting point of the slip with the Ft-300 sensor. Therefore, I can calculate the exact friction coefficient.
Can you give some suggestions about how to do that? Do you have any examples like that?
Thanks in advance,