It is possible to do that.
You can power the IO coupling via the M8 connector and then control the IO coupling via USB using Robotiq client interface.
Make sure you have the correct wiring before applying power.

Actually, I was able to access the preset configurations connecting to the coupling through micro-USB. What I am currently failing to do is to connect through an RS-485 to USB converter, as shown in point 2. of section 3.2 of the instruction manual (my setup being, at the moment, precisely what depicted in figure 3.2.2).
Sorry if I didn't explain myself clearly before, and thanks for your help.

Actually, I was able to access the preset configurations connecting to the coupling through micro-USB. What I am currently failing to do is to connect through an RS-485 to USB converter, as shown in point 2. of section 3.2 of the instruction manual (my setup being, at the moment, precisely what depicted in figure 3.2.2).
Sorry if I didn't explain myself clearly before, and thanks for your help.
Hello everyone,
I am new to Robotiq grippers, and I am currently trying to test a 2F-140 gripper without ribot arm while waiting for it to be available. My question is if it would be possible to control the gripper through user interface connecting to the I/O Wrist Coupling via USB to the computer using the pinout configuration shown in Figure 3-15 here.
The idea would be to use the M8 connector on the I/O Coupling to power the gripper and to connect through USB to the pc using a MOXA rs483 to usb converter.
Thanks in advance for the support.