It is a challenging project !
If you need to make 3D model of hande in your simulation, we have stl files available on our support page.
I am not familiar with UR ROS package but if it require you to connect on a robot you can maybe connect on UR Simulator. You can download a virtual machine with UR simulator from UR developer website.
We have a ROS package which can help as well:
The ROS package is made to work with a real gripper. There is no gripper simulator available.
The easiest why to control the gripper via ros is to have it connected on the PC via USB.
The control a gripper at the wrist of the robot there are some possibility:
- Send UR script via client interface 30002 - Communicate via UR rs485 urcap (no compatible with robotiq urcap)
- Communicate with Robotiq URCAP deamon
Hey guys,
I am currently struggling to find a way to create a stimulated robot of UR5e robot with hand-e gripper. I need to do that for testing the machine learning code prior to the actual test on the robot (also will help reducing the learning time). However I could not find any proper document to help doing this in any platform such as rviz or v-rep.
Thank you!