Here is a link to download the EXE file to use the application in stand alone.
The zip folder should be unzip with all contents as it is in the same folder.
This looks like exactly what I need. Thanks for sharing this!

The .exe should work. It is a bit heavy, it may take sometime to respond.
I would recommend that you first try to display the image of the camera in your browser using the one of the following URL:
More details in this post:
If it works than the .exe should also work.
@bcastets thanks again! I did not think of the obvious fact that I can use my browser to do a http request. Today home office, tomorrow I will try this.
Do you have any link where I can read more about the TCP IP connection? Ideally I want to connect our local network, the robot and a computer to the same switch.
But my programming skillset is mainly in python/data analysis, network protocols are new to me. How do I make the robot part of my local network and still manage to communicate with it over HTTP/ RTDE? What is the correct setting?
I would like to share with you a python project I did to visualize the image of a Robotiq Wrist Camera connected on a UR robot from a PC.
Note that when a program is running on the robot, only the image of the last camlocate node will be returned by the camera.
Also, this program is sending request to the Wrist Camera URCAP server to get image. This can potentially affect the performance of the camera.
This use libraries like: pillow, tkinter,...
You can find the code on my git: