Is this an e-series robot? If so, is it in remote control mode? Otherwise the play button remotely will not work, pause will still work.

it is UR10 CB-Seriesmatthewd92 said:Is this an e-series robot? If so, is it in remote control mode? Otherwise the play button remotely will not work, pause will still work.
and Honestly I don't know how can I check the mode (remote /local ) ?
Thank you,

here you are

here you are
Hello Everybody
In Universal Robot:
1) I am doing Pausing to the program By using an output from PLC [ Pause the program is working fine ].
2) I configured another UR input (PLC output ) to start program and I am triggering this output but robot did not start.
Despite the program could be ran remotely ( from PLC output) in before but I did some changes ( like I add a new variable that and some minor changes in the UR code ) but i did not do anything related to this point.
What do you think about that.
Thanks In Advance,