Hello @Guillermo,
Unfortunately, this is not something possible at the moment. The Path generator is one node and you will have to start over if you stop the program somehow.
Keep in mind that the 9 points are not the exact points that the robot will do its trajectory. You will extrapolate the path from these 9 points. Then you could reduce the distance between each passes and do several passes. So the actual path have millions of waypoint. We don't monitor only the 9 points.
Do you have more info on why you could stop it in the middle of a path?
I want more info so I can give the use case to my development team and maybe add this to the roadmap.
When using the copilot function of generating a path with 9 points, is there a way to know which points of the trajectory have already been covered? I mean, if for some reason you abort the movement in the middle of the path (for example between point 5 and 6), is there a way to know that I have already covered the 5 first points, and tell the robot to continue from point 6 of the path? (if you are sanding, you don't want the robot to sand again the whole path)
Any solutions or script commands that may help would be welcome.
By the way, I am using a UR5e, with 5.9 SW version, and latest version of Force copilot URCap (1.14.5 that has just been released).
Thanks in advance!