Hi All,
I am working on the Universal robot UR3 with 2F gripper(2F-140) & FT300 with the latest ROS driver(Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver). Not the old ur_modern_driver.
Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic version. The robot is controlled with
Moveit! package and I am able to control the robot's position and
perform path planning.
I need to control the
gripper(activation, open, close, reset) and use the Force/Torque sensor data through ROS from the robot. I
found that it can be done when the gripper & the FT sensor are directly hooked into
a computer. But I need it to be done when the two parts are connected directly to the robot. Is there a way or if anyone can direct me how to
proceed with, that would be helpful.
I looked at this tool communication but does it works also for UR robots?
Thank you in advance,
First of all thank you for the quick answer to my question.
Firstly, for the urscript I have the same problem . Even I can popup messages to the robot, Gripper doesn't
response to rq_reset() / rq_activate() ... etc.
I am using port 50002 in order to exchange messages.
Furthermore, my real issue is that I have the same usb cable for the wrist camera & gripper. When I connect them
directly to my computer I cannot work with both of them at the same time. I can use the wrist camera or the gripper
but not both of them at the same time. This is the reason that I want to have everything connected to the robot
control hub. Because it seems that then I can work with the wrist camera and the gripper simultaneously.
Thank you in advance,

As you can see at the manual of Robotq Wrist Camera the configuration with the gripper
(3.4.1 Combo of 2-finger Adaptive Gripper and Wrist Camera for UR) implies that we use
the same cable for the camera and the gripper. Should I change configuration in order
to use different USB cables for every device?