We’ve had similar boot issues on several of our UR10e robots. Our solution with help from UR was to build a new SD card. If you go to downloads and download Robot Software Image you can get a full image of the robot. You will need to follow the instructions they give you for burning a new SD card using Rufus.
For the constrained mode, did you enable it under settings? There is the ability to turn that on or off in settings.

We have an UR10e which has a really slow boot time (approx. 5min) with the latest SW 5.8.2 update. After the update I noticed constrained freedrive is not showing up, but the rest was working fine. We have another UR10e (running perfectly) so I checked the version numbers and they were both the same "ver.".
It has URCap 1.5.1 with 2F-85 gripper but there was no problem with that.
I wanted to check some solutions from forums for the boot time but it didn't boot up. It shows the three dot loading screen than the "Debian GNU/Linux 8" screen and nothing else.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.