robot: UR5 (soft version: Polyscope 3.13)grippers:Robotiq 2F-85 (urcap version:1.8)camera: Robotiq Wrist Camera (urcap version: 1.9)All the software has been upgraded to the latest version, and the mechanical installation and electrical setup are shown as below.The panel shows that the USB camera disconnected ( the vision system stops running and the usb camera is not detected), and the grippers can not be found!please help me!!!
It used to be good, but suddenly it came out,so I updated all the packages ,but then there are the above problems.
I open a support ticket so that our support team helps you solving your problem.I would recommend to redo installation from zero. Format the canera urcap usb, save freshly downloaded urcap camera files on the usb and reinstall.
HalloI just have the same problem with UR10e.The Camera will be not dedicated......Details:Robot Software version: 5.9URcap Camera Wrist Version:1.10.2Can you help me please?
I Open a support ticket to advise on your problem. I created the support ticket with the mail address you registered on DoF.
robot: UR5 (soft version: Polyscope 3.13)

grippers:Robotiq 2F-85 (urcap version:1.8)
camera: Robotiq Wrist Camera (urcap version: 1.9)
All the software has been upgraded to the latest version, and the mechanical installation and electrical setup are shown as below.
The panel shows that the USB camera disconnected ( the vision system stops running and the usb camera is not detected), and the grippers can not be found!
please help me!!!