This is to follow up on this post and give the same comment I gave you in the support ticket created.
On the Robotiq end, we are aware of the incompatibility between Force Copilot and the OnRobot gripper.
About the Compute box that you might buy, We never tested this and never heard of it to be honest. Maybe someone over DoF will have some details on this.
I know this might not be possible on your end but the only way that we know that it is working would be to use the Hand-E gripper.
I would advise testing the compute box before buying it.

Let us know if you were able to make it work!

Hello @11011001
Sorry to hear that you have faced this problem. I recently had the same problem except I was the sales guy who sold the stuff for one of our customers. Thankfully I ran some testing before delivering the system for customer so I was able to face this problem before implementation and before my customer production workers even got the robot cell. I apologized my customer and together we decided to forget Copilot in this project. That is a sad thing since Copilot is the game changer which makes your implementation project really easy and straightforward.
Recently I have done many tests with Onrobot RG2, 3FG15, Eye box, Compute Box, Dual 3FG15 with Dual Quick Changer and I can confirm that if you use Compute box or Eye box it is not possible to use Copilot. Onrobot and Robotiq URcaps is most probably writing in to same RTDE registers. In my knowledge Universal Robots gives a guidance which RTDE registers can be used and how many.
I have reported very detailed information to Universal Robots, Robotiq and Onrobot so they could maybe fix the issue since.
Recently I have learned that when planning to use two different manufacturer URcap same time, I will run test before to ensure compatibility.
I am in charge of implementing our first automated cell and I have run into a problem. We were sold on a UR UR5e, Force Copilot, and an OnRobot 3FG15 gripper. I ran into a problem that, as it was explained to me, the Copilot software and the gripper were both trying to use the same "lane" and thus were conflicting with each other. No solution was given, we were lent a Hand-E for the time and things have worked great, however it seems returning the 3FG15 for a Hand-E is not possible, and now we are being sold (at a discount) the OnRobot Compute Box which now is being told will solve our problems and allow the 3FG15 to work in unison with the copilot software. I was just curious if folks from this group can give me some insight into whether this might work or if we are just being strung along. We are going to be setting up a deburr cell so we need the Copilot to use force to press a part against a deburr wheel. I am wishing that a Hand-E was purchased from the word go but sadly I am stuck working with what I have.
Thank you.