Hello Everyone,
I am working on the robot (Universal Robots - UR10 CB3 series) data received through RTDE for quite a few months now. My objective is to understand the source of the values for the outputs received through RTDE as well as the meaning and relationship between the outputs.
For example, the values under "joint_temperatures_0" are received from the temperature sensor present in the "joint_0" of the robot.
I already have found out, that the output "joint_control_ouput_0" is the target current for the motor in "joint_0". This is true because the values under "actual_current_0" and "joint_control_output_0" are same. Whereas there is another output called "target_current_0", for which there is not much information provided and therefore I have the following questions:
1. What is the meaning for "target_current_0"?
2. What is the theoretical relationship between "target_current_0", "actual_current_0" and "target_control_output_0" (obviously w.r.t the joint motor)?
Thank you in advance :)

1. They are calculated values based on the torques each motor is seeing, no sensor in CB3
2. There is an accelerometer in the tool flange, I would assume these values are from there
3. This should be the temperature of the tool flange itself as opposed to wrist 3
I do not know of anything that is published regarding the motion model. I do know you can get all the motion parameters, DH parameters, etc for the arm. I believe there is a file on the controller that contains the actual specific parameters for your arm, check the calibration.config file under .urcontrol folder.
You can read more about the kinematic model here