@dgrigorenko the workspace (field of view) of the camera will be indeed determined by the reach of the robot. When you get to do the calibration of the vision system on your Universal Robot (UR3 / 5 / 10), you will choose the snapshot position and thus determine the field of view.
You will also be allowed to save different snapshot position and thus have many different workspace of different size at different position to use in your robot program when you actual insert the camera location node from the URcaps tab.
Concerning documentation and detailed specs, it's going to be release on the first week of august, when we start shipping the vision system.

@dgrigorenko did it answer the question?
I was looking at the specifications for the Robotiq Camera, and was wondering how large the region of interest was where it can detect and identify parts. In looking at the literature, it seems that it may be almost only determined by the reach of the robot (max appropriate height above parts given application), and the horizontal/vertical angle of view. What I didnt know was if there was any documentation stating the size of the ROI at a given height.