I really depends on the robot you are using. The best is probably to contract the robot maker with vibration details of your tool (frequency spectrum) to get some devise.
Indeed some robot can fail due to vibration.
UR10 now UR16 are probably good fit for this kind of application. Still it is better to get confirmation with UR representative.
For sanding application for example we recommend UR5, UR10 or UR16.

Thanks for quick answer!
We have a project with a UR10, munted with a milling tool.
Our customer asked about if vibrations from a milling tool can have consequences for the robot. The only vibrations that come are from when the tool is spinning. I think that there are no problems with this. The only thing that I am unsure of, is the longterm effect.
Does someone have some tips or information about this? :)
- Kristjan