Hi, Can you provide me with your Gripper serial number ? It's located under the Gripper, S-XXX. What does the LED show when you try connecting via USB and via Modbus TCP ? Thanks !
Understood. Thanks a lot!
Hi folks! We have one of your 3-fingered robotic hands, and we are trying to connect to it via TCP IP through your Robotiq User Interface program. We have been able to do this in the past, but for some reason, we cannot get it to work right now. We can connect to the hand and control it just fine via the USB line and your GUI. From here, we checked to make sure that the Modbus IP, Gateway, etc. was correct, and that the communications cable has proper connection as well. We are unable to ping the hand through the network from our computers, and also cannot connect to it via your GUI. We were thinking of performing a firmware update. Any ideas on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!