On both the CB series and e series version of URsim for linux I get "URControl: no process found" and "WARN - Not connected to controller, trying to send string:" and cannot start the controller from the GUI. I ran ./install.sh and it seemed to work fine (other than uninstalling ROS which is a separate issue) and the GUI seems to launch with no other issues. Did I miss something during the installation? I've installed URsim on ubuntu 16 with no issues so I was wondering if other ubuntu 18 users have faced similar problems.

Hello,I solve the problem by using "sudo ./start-ursim.sh".I think maybe the program need some super rights for the first time.
ps: I can use the offline simulator before update the kernel of ubuntu16.04, and now I can use it again.
I find that the script knows the path of the lib."export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/urtool-3.0/lib".Probable because I use a newer offline simulator(ursim-5.2.0)wvalcke said:I investigated this more and found the real solution.
When the software is installed, it has created under /opt a folder urtool-3.0 with some libs and bins.
The current simulation software is 32 bit, most Linux installations are now 64 bit. The simulator installs some 32 bit dependent libraries under /opt/urtool-3.0.
The software URControl for example needs libs from this /opt/urtool-3.0 folder.
Ok, now what about the script start-ursim.sh ? Normally you should run ./start-ursim.sh UR3 for example to start the simulator.
But on recent Linux distributions it fails to run the URControl, and you end up with a non working simulator, compaining about 'No controller'.
This script is running internally 2 sub scripts, namely stopurcontrol.sh and starturcontrol.sh.
The first script kills the URControl software, the seconds is aimed at starting URControl. But the start script DOES NOT RUN the URControl software.
When runing the script it just fails to start, and this happens as well with the virtual machine simulator version.
I even removed the calling of the script (starturcontrol.sh) inside the start-ursim.sh. And guess .... when doing this in the virtual machine version, the software still starts correctly. Checking afterwards shows that the URControl is running...so something else starts the URControl. Probably this is started from the java software.
Now back to recent Linux distributions,like Linux min 19.2 :
Thinking about how the URControl is started now, it is logic that on recent Linux distributions this will fail, as running start-ursim.sh UR3 for example has no environment telling where the dependent libs need for URControl are on your system !
Now running the following command : LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/urtool-3.0/lib ./start-ursim.sh UR3
Tada... Software starts up correctly and runs fine.....
P.S. Do not forget to have a java inside your PATH which is fairly recent (i used java runtime 1.8.0)