I do not know if a way to do this directly from the touch pendant. UR does offer many tools though that would allow you to develop an app to do just that. They are streaming all of the data including the variable names and values off of port 30001. You could create a python program that listens for the stream, decodes the variables and then writes the name and value to a USB stick. There is a library here that you can use for decoding the data. https://github.com/SintefManufacturing/python-urx
Have you done a preliminary search on the internet or here on DOF to see if anyone has developed anything like that?

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I believe you are looking for something like this: " https://dof.robotiq.com/discussion/724/data-logging-from-a-ur-program-to-an-external-pc "
It will not be possible to reuse it in the robot but you will have the data on a side computer instead of on the robot or a USB key.
Have a good data logging with this software example from Robotiq.
David Gouffé
Integration Coach
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1-418-380-2788 #275 (Outside US and Canada)
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Is it possible to save a variable on a USB key or file in the UR5 while a program is running? In another words, log data on external USB key while the program is running?
Thank you!