DoF - a Robotiq Community
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Been a long time since I’ve accessed the terminal directly on the robot, you can try ctrl-alt-F7
The old keyboard shortcuts to access the terminal don't work anymore after changing the keyboard configuration to English(US). Would you know how to change the keyboard back to danish without the terminal? I tried following directions I found online but modifying the config file for the keyboard doesn't seem to work. 

Edit: I figured out how to access the terminal when changing to the US keyboard configuration using the link above. 
-Activate expert mode by holding the run button at the top left hand side
-Enter "lightbot" as the password
-Navigate to the etc folder then to the default folder
-Click on the "filter" drop down menu at the bottom right to select all files
-Click on the "keyboard" file and click on open
-Look for "XKBOPTIONS=" and make sure that whatever is following that is only a pair of parenthesis
- You should see that line as: XKBOPTIONS="" 
-Re-boot the system and you should be able to access the terminal using ctrl+alt+F1 now