Hello @samchen0210,
This issue is caused by an incompatibility between PolyScope and the URCap version. I recommend updating Both PolyScope and the Robotiq URCap to their respective latest versions. If your controller is a CB 3.1, the latest URCap is UCS 1.11.0. It is compatible with PolyScope 3.9 and up. Keep in mind that the latest Active Drive URCap compatible with a CB 3.0 controller is UCS 1.0.3. This one is only compatible with PolyScope 3.5. All PolyScope releases can be downloaded directly from UR download page. Keep in mind that the PolyScope versions have to be updated sequentially. This means that if your starting version is 3.1, you will have to update to 3.2, then 3.3 and so on until you finally update it to the targeted version. Hope this helps. And do not hesitate to contact us directly at support@robotiq.com if you need any further assistance.