Is there any way to take advantage of the Path Generator and Force Control nodes through an external program? For example, could an external program parameterize the Points in a Path Generator node?

Hi, Robotiq is now into packaging, palletizing and sanding applications. Learn more about our new Vacuum Grippers and the Robotiq Sanding Kit. 1-888-ROBOTIQ #275 (762-6847) 1-418-380-2788 #275 (Outside US and Canada) 1-418-655-9221 (Cell) Follow us on
The function "Path Generator" is not planned as a live function generating the path.
It is not possible to input variable parameter before the beginning of the function or while the robot is moving through the path.
-It might be possible to develop variable input to set before the beginning of the function. (A) Would it be useful for you and required ?
N.B.: It would be hard to use a parameter while the robot is moving. (B) I would not expect this feature soon.
-Let us know if you need this feature (A).
-Let us know how many robots this would apply to.
David Gouffé
Integration Coach
Coach en intégration
Hello Pros,
The first Robotiq Sanding Kits have been shipped this week, and are on their way to your workshops. This new tool benefits from a feature implemented in this latest 1.11 Finishing Copilot URCap: the Path Generator. This cutting-edge feature automatically generates paths after teaching only a handful of waypoints, and it works on both flat and curved surfaces. It is available with a Finishing Copilot licence.
For more details on the Sanding Kit, click here.
Read the following release notes to learn about new features, improvements and fixes.
Path Generator node
Specify a few key positions, and a path is automatically plotted for the robot, either for a flat or curved surface.Finishing Tool Control node
Tools can now be turned on and off using this node.New Copilot license type
The Finishing Copilot licence gives access to advanced Copilot nodes, such as Finishing Tool Control and Path Generator.Force Control node
Added an icon which pops up a reference screen about using Targeted position and Current position.Force Control node
Force and moment are now displayed when holding the Test button.IMPROVEMENTS