Hello @BenjaminK,
Unfortunately, thre is no intuitive interface right now for the gripper and it requires a Robotiq Universal Controller because the communication is Modbus/TCP. However, from what we know the team at Doosan is currently working on an interface for our gripper and they are implementing Modbus RTU which only requires the USB converter. Sadly we have no ETA on this since we are not the ones developping it, but it is coming.
I agree that using scripts is fairly annoying since there needs to be aseparate program to jog the gripper, but right now it is the best that can be done. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Gabriel Boucher

I would like to update this post since the situation with Doosan changed a bit.
Doosan adjusted their software to make gripper integration easier.
You can check the following post describing how to integrate the Robotiq gripper on Doosan:
The end-user who has a 2F-140 Gripper for UR kit asked the way how they control the gripper integrating to Doosan Cobot by a teach pendant.
They designed and made a coupling oneself to integrate it to the robot wrist connecting with PC to control it now. I think they should get a universal controller to communicate for each other if they wanna control it by teach pendant, right? (Doosan is based on Modbus/TCP.)
A question is, whether you have any intuitive user-interface for Doosan like UR has or not. They have felt it's a quite uncomfortable approach to control it by a script by comparison with UR. Any idea?