Current URCAP version of FT300 (Copilot) does not work if Ethernet IP is activated on the robot.
If you want to use ethernet IP, we recommend to use the URCAP version 1.2.1.
We are working to have our next URCAP compatible with Ethernet IP (most probably 1.10 for eSerie and 1.11 for CB).
After updating the Force Torque Sensor FT 300 URCaps from version 1.2.1 to the Force Copilot 1.9.0 the application I am working with started having intermittent problems with random values being returned from the robot.
I identified that the new code created in the program by the Force Copilot URCaps is overwriting the output float registers 0 to 5, which are being used for communication to a PLC through EtherNet/IP.
How do I disable this overwriting of the first 6 output float registers by the Force Copilot?