It is always recommended to have an external fuse in the power supply circuit as shown below:

However, Robotiq products do have some internal fuse to protect its DC power supply and the serial communication chip.
With a peak of voltage, they will get hotter and the fuses will stop conducting to protect the product from overheating. As they get back to normal, the product will start functioning again, unless the fuses went over their limits and need to be replaced.
The 2 Finger Gripper has 1 thermofuse in its coupling and 2 in the hand itself.
The 3 Finger Gripper has 1 internal thermofuse.
Note: The external fuse recommended is meant to protect the cable itself and not the power supply or the gripper.
Hope this helps!
I was wondering this since in the manual, it is recommended to have a power supply with internal protection or to use an external fuse.
So what if we omit this one, is there any other protection in the products?