I need your advice, Currently I already have 2F85 UR connect with my UR5 (CB2) it is working very well but when I connect to UR5 (CB3) it’s not working. I don’t know why.
Are you communicating via Modbus TCP usgin the Robotiq Universal controller ? Can you also tell me the serial numbers on your Robotiqs products ?  
Yes we using modbus TCP/IP Here are pictures of the serial numbers :  
Thanks! You will need the legacy package UR2F-1.0.1 for usage over Modbus TCP using this Gripper. The documentation for your Gripper, Controller and the package are found in the Archives Section of support.robotiq.com
Dear Etienne Samson, I download UR2F-1.0.1 for usage over Modbus TCP for C-1044 gripper. Then, I upload UR2F-1.0.1 to Universal Robot UR5. At the Touch pendant, Load gripper installation file. I try Activate the gripper that gripper should initial itself (close and open). But it is no response when I activate it. What ‘s happen? Please help me solve this problem. Previously, we upload UR2F - DCU-1.0.6 to Universal Robot UR5. After that we found gripper tab on the top of pendant. I don’t know this UR2F - DCU-1.0.6 will have impact or not. Please suggest me how to delete or remove this program from Universal robot. Best Regards,
Hi there, You can un-install the previous package with the uninstall.sh file present in the DCU package, rename it to " urmagic_uninstall.sh ", remove the "urmagic_robotiq_gripper.sh" and plug the USB stick into the teach. Could you test your controller + Gripper setup on a PC using the Robotiq User Interface ? Thanks !
Dear Etienne Samson, According to the Robotiq has recommended download software of C-1044 gripper for Universal robot. Then upload program to Universal Robot to control it. After upload program, we load installation file of gripper and then we test communication and gripper control order through robot pendant. 1. First, we activate gripper that the result is not respond from gripper. Actually, when we activate gripper,gripper should initial itself (Close/Open) 2. Second, we input gripper position, speed force data and then set go to requested that the result is not respond from gripper (gripper doesn’t move). I try to use Modbus client software (Modscan) communicate with gripper controller to check data that sending from robot pendant. Data that Modscan is similar data that input from robot pendant when we change data at robot pendant, data at Modscan is the same. If we activate gripper, data bit activate at Modbus is “on”. We try to use Robotiq user interface communicate with gripper through USB to test gripper. Due to the software inform “to access the full functionality of the Robotiq user interface, please connect your device with USB cable”. The result we can control gripper through this software. But if we communicate with gripper through Eth, we can only monitor. What is difference communication between USB and Ethernet? **Please help me check what is going on why we cannot control gripper through ModbusTCP and suggest us how to solving the problem to back to use gripper normally.** Remark: Gripper controller firmware version is GC1-1.2.5 checked by Robotiq user interface software Best Regards,
Hi, As I explained previously, you will need to remove the driver package DCU from the Universal Robots with the uninstall.sh file. After this, install the legacy package as instructed below. USB connection = serial communication Modbus RTU --> you need the DCU package, but it is not compatible with your Gripper. Do not use this. EtherNet connection = Modbus TCP --> you need the legacy package UR2F-1.0.1. Read the provided instructions provided in the package. Make sure that you use the correct IP address. Regards, E.
Dear Etienne Samson, After we remove the driver package DCU from the Universal Robots, and then we installation UR2F-1.0.1 program to the Universal Robots and test it. At the Universal Robot, Network IP is At Gripper controller, Network IP is At universal robot, we load RQ_2FG_Installation.installation to set up robot communication through Modbus client We set Activate button to initial gripper that gripper should open/close/open. But gripper is not respond the command. We use other Modbus client software (MODSCAN) to check Modbus server data at gripper controller receive data from the Universal Robot or not. From picture, we can see Modbus client data from the universal robot send to Gripper controller Modbus server. If we activate at Universal Modbus client, we can see register1 at Gripper controller Modbus server change to 256 (bit 8 is”on”). So it means Modbus server at Gripper controller receive data from Universal Robot Modbus client. Then we use Robotiq User Interface software v.1.5.3 monitor between the Universal robot and Gripper controller First, we communication through Ethernet that we can monitor only. If we set activate gripper at the universal robot, we don’t see anything change at Robotiq User Interface software. We see something response at current graph. But the gripper isn’t move. Second, we use Robotiq User Interface software communication through USB (Full function control) We can control gripper through USB. Please help me check what is going on why we cannot control gripper through Universal Robot ModbusTCP client. Gripper controller is OK or not. Suggest us how to solving the problem to back to use gripper normally. Remark: Universal robot UR5 CB3.1 User interface and Robot controller 3.1.18024 Robotiq gripper C-1044 Robotiq controller K-1044 Gripper controller firmware version is GC1-1.2.5 checked by Robotiq user interface software Best Regards,
Thanks for the accurate information, this helps a lot. We will start with upgrading your firmware to the latest available, this fix some Modbus TCP and PROFINET issues. Please follow this link. Download and unzip the package. Plug you controller USB and 24V and execute the "Robotiq_upgrader_GC1-GC2-1.3.1.exe" After that we will unlock the User Interface, for security reason you cannot control via Modbus TCP, to control with TCP, you must rename the "robotiq_user_interface.exe" to "robotiq_user_interface_allowactivate.exe". Can you try again to control via Modbus TCP witht the Robotiq User Interface after this ? Thanks !
Dear Etienne Samson, Now, Universal Robot Modbus Client can command to the gripper after we upgrade new gripper firmware. Thank you for your best support. :) Best Regards,
I need your advice, Currently I already have 2F85 UR connect with my UR5 (CB2) it is working very well but when I connect to UR5 (CB3) it’s not working. I don’t know why.