@zoddman You may want to try reloading the image and starting fresh from the beginning, but be sure to download the calibration file before so you can just upload that right back into the SD Card. Did you contact UR Support?

@zoddman you will have to reflash the factory default image to the storage device (USB stick). Attached is a helpful document for doing so. You will need the following image software, go to Universal Robots Support Site -> Download -> e-Series -> Software -> Robot image software -> Image SW 5.1.0
Let me know if you have any questions/concerns.
Hello, I had recently updated to version 5.3.0. I noticed that when I would manually move to a waypoint it was always short of the actual waypoint by a couple few mm. The program ran fine so only when doing this manually. I decided to load an older version (5.1.2) to see if this problem would go away. Everything went as usual and the robot went to reboot and now it will not reboot at all. When powered on the logo shows and then I see a quick message that says "Debian GNU/Linux 8 ur 20185300385 login:_" That message is on screen for about 1 second and then the screen is just black. My original software version that came with the robot is 5.1.0. Any help on solving this would be GREATLY appreciated.