@jbriones02 some simple questions before I try to answer, have you set the TCP to be where you want the rotation to happen? It basically sounds like you are trying to get the robot to circumscribe a circle with the end effector while it rotates, is that a fair statement?

@matthewd92 yes, TCP is set.

I am trying to manipulate a tool (allen key shown as a representation) in such a way that its TCP is fixed in position yet able to rotate about an axis that is
1. Parallel to the Z axis of the gripper
2. A normal distance equal to the Y component of the TCP
Essentially what this would deliver is a continuous rotation around my thumb (pic far below) while also holding the position of the allen key. As far as I can tell I am able to achieve this by holding down the blue arrow shown in the bottom left corner below. I am unable to replicate this with any sort of program or script.
Any direction is greatly appreciated.