Hi @iremnurtokac, This could be a problem caused by how the files were copied to the USB stick. When you download the vision URCap, it comes compressed with a folder. Make sure that the folder called "vision_system" has been extracted directly at the root of the USB stick that has to stay connected to the USB hub. It could also help to format your USB stick prior to extracting the folder. I opened a support ticket to help you if you need further assistance.
I followed the instructions to install the latest software for Wrist Camera. I had no previous software on my UR5 which runs on the PolyScope 3.7.
After the installation, I go to Camera tab and on the Dashboard tab, there is an error saying "Vision System down". How can I fix this installation problem?
I am sharing a photo at the attachment. I've mounted wrist camera and gripper together, the gripper works fine. Thanks!