Hello @YSLee2107, This is no big deal actually. Simply go to our support page for the camera and download the vision URCap. The compressed .rar file includes the URCap and the vision server that goes on the USB stick you accidentally formatted. Then, follow these instructions for properly installing everything. Make sure that the vision_system folder is extracted right at the root of the USB stick. Just be careful when selecting the download as there are two versions available. Your choice depends on the version of PolyScope you are running. My advice would be to update PolyScope to 3.6 and download UCC 1.4.1. For faster support, you can always send an email to support@robotiq.com or fill the contact us form.

You’re welcome @YSLee2107
Hi all. I am using Universal Robot UR3 with Robotiq Wrist Camera.
I believe that I accidentally formatted the files of inside the 16 Gig USB stick and the camera feature disappears (Picture 2) and not able to do the URCaps Setup for the Wrist Camera.
How do I get the camera feature back?
And regarding the documents inside 16 Gig USB Stick accidentally formatted by me, do I manage to get it back or is there any accessible source to download?
Thank you!