Hi Erik,
The Polyscope 5.0 Robotiq URCap versions are still in development. Following the recent launch of the e-Series by Universal Robots, Robotiq products need to be thoroughly tested with the latest UR robot software. Robotiq engineers and integration coaches are currently conducting experiments in various environments to make sure that our products are compatible, and that their use is simple and comprehensible.
The Polyscope 5.0 Robotiq URCap versions are still in development. Following the recent launch of the e-Series by Universal Robots, Robotiq products need to be thoroughly tested with the latest UR robot software. Robotiq engineers and integration coaches are currently conducting experiments in various environments to make sure that our products are compatible, and that their use is simple and comprehensible.
Beta versions of URCaps for Robotiq products will be made available as soon as practicable via a download link on the DoF community.
The official Robotiq URCaps versions will be ready and released upon the effective public delivery of e-Series cobots by Universal Robots – that is by the end of August 2018.
Hello everyone!
I have a UR5e robot with polyscope 5.0 and Robotiq 2 finger gripper, FT 300 Force Torque Sensor and Wrist Camera.
My question would be: is the UCC-1.4.1 for the Wrist Camera (the latest version I could find) compatible with the new Polyscope 5.0?
I'm also wondering how is with the compatibility with the Gripper and the FT 300 sensor software, as some of their functions work well, some not.
I'd be happy to know if the issues come because of the new Polyscope version or from my misunderstanding.
I'm thanking you in advance.