Can you share that program or the sequence that you think is faulty?
I have seen that problem before when the user wrongly used the comparison equal sign (?=) versus the assignment equal sign (=). I don't remember the particular case though.

I can't find any potential errors in there. Have you tried removing all subprograms and putting them back in the main one?

@Nicholas_Francoeur I have saved subroutines as file and ran them in a program by themselves
We are running a fairly basic machine tending program. The main program consists of several If statements which call out subroutines.
Within the subroutines there are also If statements which direct robot which rack to pick build plates from. Within the If statements we are setting a flag so as not to enter this particular If statement again (rack is now empty). When program scan gets to bottom of If statements within subroutines, controller just randomly dies. This would be right before program would be expected to jump back to main program. There are no error logs. It only states that "prog stopped running" and "controller disconnected".
Any ideas?